रविवार, 7 अक्टूबर 2018

Is the hazard sign up ????

Image result for household chemicals

Is your house dusted , mopped , and swept regularly ? Is your house spotlessly clean ? Do you think your house is free of dust and germs ? Even if your answer is "yes" ,you should know that you have 'hazardous' , or dangerous , products sitting in your kitchen cupboards and bathroom cabinets - some of which you use almost daily !

Know your waste 

If it's hazardous , or toxic , waste it must be an oil spill in ocean waters right ? Wrong ! The truth is that much of this waste comes from things we use in our homes ! Many household products contains chemicals that make them corrosive , flammable , and / or toxic . Petrol and paints are flammable . They can catch fire easily . A corrosive item , such as acid , can eat through metal and human skin . Chlorine and ammonia are reactive materials that can explode easily or turn into  poisonous gas when mixed with other chemicals . Weed killers are toxic because they can cause illness , and even death , in humans and animals . When these products are no longer needed , they make hazardous waste . Factories that make pesticides , leather , paper , textiles and building materials also produce hazardous waste . 

Image result for household chemicals

Where does it go ????

Hazardous waste can be reused and recycled at special facilities . It is also stored in specially built ponds , burned , and sent to hazardous waste landfills . This waste can be managed only when people do not mix it with their household garbage or trash or pour leftovers down the drains .
Toxic waste also becomes a problem when it leaks from landfills into the ground , catch fire while being transported , or is sneakily dumped at a place not suitable for it when chemicals from this waste leak into the groundwater or air , they can poison the food we eat and the air we breathe .

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